Tuesday, 23 December 2014

[Estore Facebook Contest] ICI Dulux Colour Future Calendar 2015 Giveaway Campaign

While we are looking forward to the countdown of 2014 to welcome 2015, we are just in time to launch a giveaway contest for ICI Dulux Singapore.

10 lucky winners will walk away with a ICI Dulux Colour Future Calendar 2015! 

Simply follow the steps below: 
2) LIKE and SHARE this post in your public wall 

3) Enter your answer by locating the Santa’s whereabouts in the picture with these hashtags in your comment: #EstoreSingapore #DuluxSG #ColourFutures2015

* Terms and Conditions Apply: 

Comment from 24th to 28th Dec 2014, 2359hrs. 

Winners will be announced on 29th Dec 2014, 2pm

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Gift Ideas of Christmas 2014: Swiss Tech Utili-Key 6-in-1

The lightest and most compact multi-use tool ever developed. 

This ultra-light, durable and precision crafted 6-in-1 mini-tool has a straight knife blade and a serrated cutting surface, a flat screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, a micro-sized screwdriver, and a bottle opener, and weighs in at an amazing 0.5 oz. 

The tool makes minor repairs, assemblies, installations, and hundreds of jobs an easy undertaking. The patented quick-release design easily snaps to your key ring, and just as easily releases for multiple everyday tasks. 

Ideal for indoor or outdoor activities and emergency situations, this tool comes in handy on the road and at home!

Watch the video and see how this smallest multi-tool can help to benefit your daily lives :-)

You can set your online order here:

Stay tune for more gift ideas, as more are coming soon with special price :-)

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Winners of Estore Nippon Paint Anti-Mould Giveaway 2014

Congratulations to the 10 lucky winners of our Estore Nippon Paint Anti-Mould Giveaway. Each winner gets to walk away with a top of the line 1 litre Nippon Anti-Mould Ceiling White!

The winners are:

1) Elynn Chong
2) Nor Fatih Faizal
3) Sharin Chia
4) Cecilia Chng
5) Kelvin Tan
6) Justina Ong
7) Lisa Chan
8) Stacey Chua
9) Lai Zheng Wei
10) Peter Ang

Thank you all for participating in our contest and we hope you enjoyed as much as we did. For those of you, who did not win, don't be discouraged. 

Stay tune on our Facebook page for more exciting contests with awesome prizes very soon! :-)

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Estore Nippon Paint Anti-Mould Giveaway 2014

10 lucky winners will walk away with a 1 Litre Nippon Paint Anti-Mould Ceiling White!
Click on this link to enter the contest: http://on.fb.me/1Aa3XCU

Simply follow these 3 steps: 

1) LIKE and SHARE this post in your public wall.

2) Enter your answer in the comment below with these hashtags: 

3) Comment from 2nd to 8th Dec 2014, 2359hrs.

* Terms and Conditions Apply: http://bit.ly/NipponPaint-Giveaway-TC-2014

Winners will be announced on 09 Dec 2014, 2pm. :-)

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Bosch Roadshow 2014

Come down to Bosch Roadshow from 14 to 15 October to enjoy discounted prices, live product demo and many more: http://bit.ly/EstoreBoschRoadshow2014

Enjoy great savings on all Bosch Power-tools and gardening tools products, instant lucky dip and live product demonstration.

Prices stated in the flyers are already discounted and if you come down for the roadshow, you will get to discount even more -- ranging from $20 to $50 of discount only available in Bosch Roadshow Cash Sale!

Stay tune to our Facebook for more updates about the event, as well as other Bosch products introduction! :-)

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Winners of Estore Nippon Paint Expresskote Giveaway

Congratulations to the 10 lucky winners of our Estore Nippon Paint Expresskote Giveaway!

Each winner gets to walk away with a top of the line 1 liter Nippon Expresskote Sealer!

The winners are:

1) Kuan Wei Tan
2) Hensley Hans
3) Irene Goh
4) Aziz Mohamed
5) Yanne Adnan
6) Seline Bong
7) Kate Lee
8) Celiss Wang
9) Ashmika Jain
10) Apai N Nana

Winners please drop us an email to sales@estore.com.sg to claim your prize.

Thank you all for participating in our contest and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

For those of you who did not win, don't be discouraged. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more exciting contests with awesome prizes very soon!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Estore Nippon Paint Expresskote Giveaway!

10 Cans of Nippon Expresskote 1L to be given away! Do not miss this chance!
Simply like, share and comment "Nippon Paint Expresskote is good because ...."

Take part in the giveaway right now via this link!

Nippon Paint Expresskote is a time-saving water based interior and exterior sealer and is crucial for a more uniform and even topcoat.
It also prevents chalking, minimises hairline cracks and optimises adhesion. To find out more about the product, visit http://bit.ly/NipponExpresskote

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Obasan Anti-Dengue Mosquito Repellent Spray Sale!

Dengue cases have recently spiked to 891 cases in July and as the hotter months of June to October is here, dengue transmissions are also higher. To help you protect yourself and your loved ones against Dengue Fever, Estore Singapore has decided to give a special promotion on our Obasan Anti-Dengue Mosquito repellent spray!

It is 100% Organic and engages the concept of Nature Vs Nature. Therefore, it is definitely safe for your kids and pets to use this insecticide and not develop irritation or other health problems.
Furthermore, it also consists of the natural ingredient Etofenprox, which is highly effective against mosquitos!

Offer only valid from 18 July to 25 July, 23:59hrs!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Estore World Cup Contest 2014

Here's a chance to win up to $100 Estore Vouchers!

You can buy anything in our store using these vouchers, from a range of power tools to paint to home accessories and many more! Visit our website www.estore.com.sg to find out more about our products.

Take part in the Estore World Cup Contest 2014 from 1st July to 7th July!

Simply LIKE & SHARE the post and comment on who you think will be the top scorer for World Cup 2014!

Click here to participate right now!